The Infinite

Submission Instructions

Before submitting a manuscript to The Infinite, authors should ensure that all basic requirements as mentioned in the author’s guidelines page are fulfilled. Submission of papers implies that all authors have given consent for its publication in The Infinite. Manuscripts should be submitted either by email or via the ‘Submit Article Online’ form available below.

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Peer Review Process

The submitted manuscript is assigned a reviewer within 7 days of its submission. The peer review process is typically completed within two weeks. Generally, 15-30 days are required to complete the review process, and the decision of acceptance, rejection, or comments is conveyed to the authors. If the peer review takes more than 30 days, authors should enquire about the status of their research article via email.

Accepted articles will be published in the issue for which the author has submitted.

Declaration Form

It is required to obtain written confirmation from authors for papers to be published in The Infinite to index them in various repositories. Please download, complete, and sign the copyright form and send it with the final version of your manuscript.

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